The soursop is the fruit of the tropical tree which is also termed as Graviola, Ramphal, Laxmanphal, kaattu aatha palam, Mullen Chakka, Mullu Seettha, Annona muriata, Graviola, Guyabano. proper origin from brazil. aslo found in shrilanka as well as south part of india. It has aroma similar to pineapple, the flavor of the fruit has been described as a combination of strawberries and apple, and sour citrus flavor notes, contrasting with an underlying creamy texture reminiscent of coconut or banana. The soursop fruit contains high amount of rich C Vitamin.

Soursop simultaneously destroy all types of lumps and ulcer (not only a cancer lump all the lumps eg: water lump, milk lump etc.,) in a body. Soursop simultaneously destroy all types of lumps and ulcer (not only a cancer lump all the lumps eg: water lump, milk lump etc.,) in a body. It kills only a cancer cells. And day by day healthy cells well generate. So, this will very support to chemotherapy and radiation under going patient. It cure side effects of chemotherapy. Hemoglobin and immunity will increase while consuming soursop. So, you will get prevention also in future. Not only a cancer patient any body can use.

Its not only remedy for cancer soursop contains some more properties to treat Parasite, Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Eczema, Rheumatism, Cout, Back pain, Boils, Reduce Inflammation, Osteoporosis, Increase energy, Promote Hair Health, Decrease Depression,etc., so, consuming soursop is good for all.If any normal person consumed soursop for minimum three months they will prevent from cancer.

Soursop fruit is highly C vitamin which helps you to increase the energy level and helps to maintain the immune system which is require for any diseases.Many people are adopting soursop as a natural alternative treatment for cancer.

Soursop can be taken with the traditional treatments for cancer such as chemotherapy. It actually helps to cope with the side-effects of these treatments.

Many sources warn that pregnant women should not consume graviola as it might stimulate uterine activity or cause some damage to the foetus cells. But it can be very useful to induce labour, and has been traditionally used to avoid delivery complications in tropical regions.

Soursop is natural and is being consumed as a dessert and fruit drink around the world since decades. It does not have any side-effects on the body.

Soursop is a natural fruit that helps build immunity and destroys infectious cells. It even relieves stress and helps to have a positive outlook towards life. Therefore, soursop would help to deal with daily contact with infections.

Yes, normal persons also consume soursop for prevention purpose.

Recent days, the most of research is conducting on the soursop fruit, roots, leaves and seeds. The research is founding the amazing result because the soursop fruit has some important benefits in cancer treatment. Moreover, the research is demonstrating that the fruit is protects the immune system.

In the soursop fruit has high phytonutrients. The phytonutrients are mostly found in antioxidant compounds including alkaloids, saponins, terpenoids, flavonoids, coumarins, lactones, anthraquinones, tannins, cardiac glycosides, phenols and phytosterols which help to fight with tumor cells.

A fruit and vegetable with high rich Vitamin C helps to prevent from the cancer causing nitrogen compounds. The soursop fruit is the one of the best fruit in India to kill the cancer cells.

The soursop is the greenish-yellow fruit with small spikes. The taste of soursop fruit is similar to pineapple. To eat the soursop, remove the tough outer skin and inner seeds. Then cut into small pieces then ready to eat.

The taste of soursop fruit is like the combination of strawberries and apple. On the other hand, the taste is sour and sweet.

Soursop is highly C Vitamin fruit which helps you to build your immunity strong. Strong immune system and good health always maintain your body cells stronger in any disease.

Based on digestion system, initially daily 125ml / Half Bottle of soursop tea or juice is safe to drink. as soursop is natural fruit you can take more than 125ml also depends upon your body strength.

As soursop is naturally growing fruit, and very helpful for human body, so there is no any side effect of soursop.

while eating soursop in huge quantity may causes

  • Reduces of blood pressure.
  • Vomiting as well as nausea.
  • Over usage of soursop fruit can
  • The fugal and yeast infections in the body.
  • The occurrences of neurological disorders.

In India, the Soursop fruit is not available at all places. The Soursop Services Products is a leading trade mark company in INDIA. Soursop Services are manufacturer for Soursop products such as soursop fruit Jar , soursop juice and soursop fresh leaves, Soursop Tea, Soursop Puree

As soursop is naturally growing fruit, and very helpful for human body, so there is no any side effect of soursop Leaves.

while Taking soursop Leaves in huge quantity may causes

  • Soursop leaves can cause Parkinson’s disease.
  • Not beneficial for low blood pressure patients.
  • The soursop leaves contains anonaine and anoniine which are high in hydrocyanic acid. Generally, it is a colorless substance which is considered as poisonous.
  • Causes of toxicity.

Long term usage of soursop leaves causes to kills good bacteria

The soursop leaves are efficiently controlling the diabetes. To control the diabetes, take the 2-5 soursop leaves then cleaned with warm water for removing the bacteria and germs. Then, the soursop leaves are boiled with 2 cup of warm water. Simmer, until the water is minimized to one cup glass. Drink this water in the morning and evening, continually keep it for 3 to 4 days then check the sugar levels. Surely, change the level of diabetes.

People in Africa and South America use the bark, leaves, root, and fruits of the graviola tree. They treat infections with viruses or parasites, rheumatism, arthritis, depression, and sickness. We know from research that some graviola extracts can help to treat these conditions.

Soursop fruit is highly C vitamin which helps you to increase the energy level and helps to maintain the immune system which is require for any diseases.

Soursop comes from a tree in the rain forests of Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia and is a common food there. Its scientific name is Annona muricata. It is also known as Laxman phal, cherimoya, guanabana, soursop and brazilian paw paw. we plants more than 5000 trees in our farm located at costal area Gholwad near Maharashtra Gujrat border successfully.

The active ingredient is thought to be a type of plant compound (phytochemical) called annonaceous acetogenins. People in African and South American countries have used the bark, leaves, root, and fruits of the graviola tree to treat infections with viruses or parasites, rheumatism, arthritis, depression, and sickness.

But now we can see this trees in many places in India.

To this day, no human double-blinded trials have been conducted on soursop. The reason for this is very shocking and inhuman. As soursop is a completely natural substance which is not allowed to be patented and could not be synthesized, no human trials were conducted as there is no way of making huge profits from it.

Some cancer cells develop multi-drug resistance (known as MDR) after chemotherapy. This means the cancer cells would not get affected by further treatment. Annona muricata or soursop has shown explicit potential in killing even these cancer cells.

Soursop has shown positive results in various ways. It helps build immunity and can help the person to deal with the side-effects of traditional treatments like chemotherapy.

Soursop has shown promising preventive properties in various research studies.

Definetaly chemotheraphy and radition under going paitent can use soursop. Its develop healthy cells and act as supporting medicine for them.

The soursop fruit is efficiently fights with the cancer cells. Many people have doubts in how much of soursop fruit should take to cure cancer. The some of the approximated points are listed below to how much soursop fruit  eat to cure.

  • Consume 1 tablespoon( 50 to 80gm) pulp everyday early in the morning with empty stomach.
  • Do not eat or drink anything  for 30 min before and after consuming soursop pulp
  • We provide the pulp of the fruit in its original form, without adding any preservative.

The soursop fruit and soursop leaves are generally used for herbal medicine to prevent various dieases. But the soursop fruits and leaves have some amazing properties which efficiently helps to cancer patients.

Initially, select the soursop with yellow-green skin. Then, wash with warm water by using the hand. Take a sharp paring knife and remove the skin and cut it to small pieces. Each piece has smooth black seeds so remove these seeds. Finally, you can eat the fruit by using the spoon or you can store the fruit it with the refrigerator then will eat as per your needs

The soursop fruit has plenty of health benefits which are used to prevent the development and spreading of cancer, reduce the level of blood pressure, increase the immune system, protect the skin, help to reduce the weight and increase the digestion.

To prepare the soursop tea,Boil two cups of water (250ml) & add 4-5 Soursop Leaves slightly crushed by hand. When water is reduced to around one cup then turn the flame off. The Soursop tea will be slight brown in color. Consume Soursop tea twice a day for better result.

The soursop juice has plenty of benefits which are listed below

  • Soursop fruit kills the cancer.
  • Helps to relive inflammation.
  • Helps to control diabetes.
  • Reduce the stress level.
  • Increase the immunity.
  • Remove pain.
  • Helps to kill intestinal Parasites.

Daily up to Half bottle (125ml) soursop juice early in morning by empty stomach helps to get the full benefits of herb. Based on your digestion system it may vary. But you can start with Half Bottle (125ml) of soursop juice depend on your feelings. After the long days, you can change the level of juice based your body weight.

The soursop fruit is not easily available in all places in India. The Soursop services Products is a leading trade mark company in Mumbai. It’s the whole sale dealer for soursop products such as soursop fruit, soursop juice and soursop fresh leaves, Capsule , fruit pulp jar. For more details visit the following websites https://soursopservices.com/ or contact our customer care no .: 18008894157  or you can also buy it from online poertals like : (Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues, 1mg, Snapdeal , Seniority , Healthmug , shophealthy.)

In Tamil, the Graviola aka Soursop is called as Mullatha or Mullu Seethapazham. In hindi, the Graviola aka Soursop is called as Laxman Phal (लक्षुमन फल ). In Marathi, the Graviola or Soursop is called as Laxman phal (लक्षुमन फळ )

The minimum cost price of soursop fruit is Rupees 700 to 900 per Kg in India. The fruit is not available in all places in India. If you want to know where to buy the soursop, then you can visit our website https://soursopservices.com/. Our company the Soursop Services Products is a leading trade mark company in Mumbai. It’s the whole sale dealer for soursop products such as soursop fruit, soursop juice and soursop fresh leaves.

The soursop fruits leaves has many number of benefits which are

  • It kills the cancer cells than the chemotherapy treatment.
  • Increase the immune system and prevents infections.
  • Efficiently utilized for the treatment of uric acid.
  • Reduce the back pain.
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